Resident Artists

Zander’s Website Zander’s Instagram  Zander’s Twitter

Kevin Cannon
Kevin’s Website Kevin’s Instagram  Kevin’s Twitter

John Bivens

Bivens website Bivens Instagram  Bivens Twitter Bivens Merch

Peter Wartman
Peter’s Website Peter’s Instagram  Peter’s Twitter

Lupi McGinty
Lupi’s website Lupi’s Instagram  Lupi’s TikTok Lupi’s Twitter Lupi’s Merch

A.L. Peterson
Anna’s website Anna’s Instagram

Jack’s Website Jack’s Instagram  Jack’s Twitter

Ryan Dow
Ryan’s Instagram  Ryan’s Twitter

The most terrifying cartooning and animation studio in the Midwest! We are a collective of comic artists, writers and illustrators based in the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District.

More About Us

Wandering Monsters

Jenny Fine
Jenny’s website Jenny’s Instagram

Ted Anderson
Ted’s Twitter

Katharine Woodman-Maynard
Katharine’s Website Katharine’s Instagram Katharine’s Facebook Katharine’s Twitter

Eric J Schuster

Eric’s Patreon Eric’s Instagram  Eric’s Twitter Eric’s Twitch